Tuesday, April 12, 2011

B is for...

I think this is going to be my favorite post for the entire alphabet game.

Boobs, butts, and bitches.

It is impossible to walk through disneyland and not encounter these three things.  I don't know why people think they should wear super skimpy outfits at Disneyland... Sure, a little bit of cleavage is cool, but when there is a chance of some nippleage* popping out, its time to cover up a little bit. For example:

Secondly, butts.  LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. They are cellulite revealing, crack hugging, cheek showing, UNDER garments.  Meant to be worn under a skirt or dress. Not like this:

And then there are always the "I had a kid and gained 20lbs but I am going to wear my size 8 shorts until I die!" butts. Please, buy a new pair of shorts. It'll make you look skinnier. 

And thirdly, Bitches.  These are the crazy moms with the stroller that ram into your ankles 10 times before asking you to move, then shoot you a death glare because you dared to be in her way. Or the people who save a spot in line for "a friend", which turns out to be half the population of China trying to shove their way through the line 10 minutes later. Or how about the people that sit at the shady table for hours on end while you endlessly wander around trying to find somewhere to eat (find a bench!).  Or my favorite, the people who walk into your photo just as everything is perfect.  (even if you are just trying to take a photo of some random girls wearing tutus through the park...).

 These are the park bitches.  And they never fail to show up at some point during your visit. (wish I had a better photo of someone walking through a picture, but you always delete those ones...).

So this concludes my "B" post.  Hope you enjoyed it. I sure as hell enjoyed writing it.


* Nippleage is totally my made up word, I actually pronounce it nipplage, but that looks funny written out.  It means, you don't see full nipple, but some part thereof.


  1. http://thumperawards.blogspot.com/2010/05/boobage.html lol

  2. Then there is the 40+ year old women who still dress like they are cheerleaders . . .

    We were trying to get through the crowd one day and I said excuse me to this woman 3 times, I finally nudged my way through and she did the total queen bitch, "you could at least say excuse me", loudly and rudely. The guy behind her said "she did". That of course got me the death glare for having the nerve to exist on her planet.

    As for boobage - wearing too small shorts and a bikini top is just wrong!

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